Designed for the states that require straight wall rounds under a certain caliber….350 legend plays off of the .223 cartridge. Only thing you have to change to make this a 223/556 gun is the barrel. Ammo is inexpensive and everywhere. No real reason to reload…Walmart to academy have boxes for under $20 and it all works fine. 1 or 2 online companies making “exotic” rounds that don’t do anything more but cost.
BCA 350 legend upper w/rock river BCG and upgraded to 20” Molly chrome lined heavy barrel. Lower built with the heavy duty lower parts kit from my local shop. AR10 buffer tube and doing on a fixed stock. Cerakote breakup camo in OD green, Coyote Tan and FDE. It has some wear marks from use and travel but they’re small and don’t take away from the aesthetic. 8 mags modified the way they needed to be to eliminate feed issues…the BCA mags are flat across at the feed lip and have a hi tendency to jam up when trying to feed off the “left” side of the staggered stack. Quick cut with a drimmel and issue is resolved. Sig Echo3 thermal sight. Designed to operate like a reflex sight…so ya don’t have to shove your eye into a rubber boot. I wear glasses, so almost every other higher end optic was a pain in the butt. You can shoot with both eyes open and looking down range. Sight has a quick release and as long as you return it to the same mount (within 1 space forward or back) it falls right back on target. Sight also has a multi gun option…I just haven’t used it being this is the only one I’ve shot it from. Has a few more features like recording and Bluetooth to sinc with a Sig app but also never used because ima dinosaur. Sig flip up sights and sling.
This thing is a hammer. 350 legend is basically 357 mags meaner older brother on steroids. I’ve shot it with the thermal out to 150yrds and 200yrds on iron sites. It is NOT a long range gun. The round isn’t designed for anything past 225ish (depending on what you’re hunting).
Slap a hog/deer within 100yrds and his happy a$$ will drop right there. YouTube videos of guys up north hunting with it and it’ll impress.
You can also find suppressors designed specifically for the legend or run one for a .357. Subsonic rounds thru suppressor on this are scary quiet.
Not looking to break up the set.