I ENCOURAGE everyone to read the posts people have made on my behalf, and the screen shots I took that people have sent. Can’t believe I am having to deal with this childish bs. But it is what it is. From now forward I WILL NOT BE selling the MP5 kits, and will only sell the stock I have in hand, as there is obviously too many things that can go wrong like this, and customers backing out etc. so yeah, no more MP5 kits, only AK frt kits, super safeties, and metal and printed mp5 trips.
Here is screen shots of the message I sent him, he blanked out a lot of details for a reason, and only kept the suck to suck part cause it looks better. Let’s see the whole message I sent you brother? Anyway, my customer vouch enough for me and will flood the the threads.
People buy from me, because Trump is not a fan of bump stocks, or anything that makes a gun go fast.. and his new attorney gennwral pam bondi she outlawed FRT’s and binary triggers in Florida of all places. FRT’s will see the chopping block in the next year or two by Trump, and when that happens you best believe the atf will be getting records off peoples websites. That is why a lot of people like purchasing from me. You can lie all you want but I have 100’s of customer that will prove you are a liar by testimony and posts. It’s annoying I am even having to do this, literally you’re acting like a report this ad to the administ child that needs a spanking lol.
Also dont forget to add shipping cost and tax cost to their total.. I still have the cheapest price weather it’s in person or online lol. And my kits are DNT and I am authorized seller, and authorized by the creators of the Ak kit as well you clown… anyway enjoy being miserable.
I’m going to post the screen shots of the last text I sent you, and I encourage you to post our original message but without blocking anything out and trying to hide truths like a scum bag lol.
Here is a another post another client made