Arsenal Sam7r in excellent condition. Comes with 2 30rd circle 10 mags, tapco g2 trigger, Krebs enhanced safety, peep hole rear sight, us palm pistol grip, khyber customs molotov lower handgaurd. Original handgaurd included.
$2000 cash or $2,200 trade value.
I can throw in a 520rd monarch spam can to add value, and optic mount,red dot, as well as additional ammo and 6 additional mags.. looking to possibly trade, but in no hurry. Mainly looking for mcx virtus, rattler, or spear pistol length, galil ace, sam7k, lwrc, pws, or a 10.5"-12.5" piston gun. 5.56, 300blk, possibly a compact pcc in 9mm.
Must be able to legally own firearm. No felons. Must have txdl, chl/ltc preferred.
Listing ID:3055925