All Ar super safety kits are DLC coated and heat treated. Each kit comes with a pre cut trigger, rounded detent, cam, lever, and m16 centering block.
Ar15 4140 steel kits- $100
Ar15 S7 Tool Steel Kits - $120
Ar15 D2 Tool Steel Kits - $135
Ak47 D2 Tool Steel FRT Kit - $130
Mp5 V3 trips are made of D2 tool steel, weight 0.75 ounces, are dlc coated, and heat treated. $100 each. Also around the 26th I will have a limited quantity of Leber V2 lowers printed in CF Nylon fully built plug and play ready to go.
3462616779 located in Kingwood Texas. Local meet ups and shopping available. Also am at almost every single gun show local within an 1 hour and a half. Look us up on FB @ Super Safe Triggers Insta@ Super_Safe_Triggers and YouTube @ SuperSafe281 and supersafetriggers.com will be up by mid week just crossing my T’s and Dotting my I’s with all the binary restricted states and the terms and conditions
Listing ID:3054734